10 Shocking Liverpool Departures Nobody Expected

6. Steve McManaman

One of the other legendary players from the nineties Liverpool squad who, despite having his off-pitch exploits reported on more by the tabloids, still managed to become one of the most decorated English footballers in the history of the sport. McManaman spent nine years with the team, during which time he won the FA Cup and League Cup, and his eventual departure was one of the most controversial of all time. He wasn't a player that did things by halves, with a reputation as one of the best wingers in the country, who could "embarrass defences with their mazy runs, which too often lack the finishing touch they deserve." Still, he managed a fair few decent finishing touches as time went by - 46 goals from 272 appearances, all told - and the Merseyside local McManaman looked to be another of those players who would spend his entire career at Liverpool. At least until 1999, when he left for Real Madrid, taking full advantage of the Bosman ruling (which didn't restrict European players within national leagues moving to another club at the end of a contract without a transfer fee being paid) - leaving the Kop in the lurch financially and in terms of strikers.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/