10 Shocking Statistics That Prove Alan Pardew Should Be Sacked

2. He's Never Reached Fifth Round Of FA Cup Or League Cup

The Mike Ashley regime €“ for which Pardew chose to be a part of - has been fairly open about their disregard for cup competitions. Finance Director John Irving admitted: €œThe cup competitions are not a priority€, so all ambition or dreams of glory should be terminated with immediate effect. It€™s absolutely criminal that a club that normally loiters between seventh and fifteenth place in the league has no desire whatsoever to give the fans a day at Wembley €“ a day to be proud of their club. Team selections often reflect this attitude, as Pardew has lost four of five FA Cup games. Three of these have been to lower league sides (twice to Brighton, once to Stevenage). Occasionally, the Toon Army have been eliminated by a Champions League side and that€™s fair enough, but to consistently lose to lower league sides is pathetic. Glory is a dirty word to the balance sheet champions.

From Chester-le-Street, with Newcastle as my spiritual home. 24 years old, I'm at Sunderland University studying for a Sports Journalism MA. It's all about football and WWE. Wordplay jokes and puns are also encouraged.