11 Footballers Who Might Be Universal Monsters

2. Luis Suarez (Dracula)

Hassan Ammar/AP/Press Association ImagesHassan Ammar/AP/Press Association ImagesThere's no way we could get through this list without including the man whose vile behaviour prompted it being put together in the first place. Luis Suarez has now indulged in the flesh of another human being on no less than three occasions (it could be more - who knows what he gets up to in his private life?) and the only explanation that we can think of is that he's actually the legendary vampire Count Dracula (sorry for accusing you first, Mr. Berbatov). Universal PicturesUniversal PicturesThe prominent teeth, the dark hair, the taste for human blood - Suarez is definitely a vampire. Here's hoping FIFA put together a metaphorical angry mob, grab their pitchforks and torches, and dish out the disciplinary equivalent of a stake through his heart for his disgusting behaviour.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.