11 Things We Learned From Man Utd Vs Newcastle

3. Ayoze Perez Should Have Started Both Opening Barclays Premier League Games

Ayoze didn't get on at all in either of Newcastle's first two Barclays Premier League games, so many were getting worried that Steve McClaren didn't fancy him. Thankfully however, he was picked on the left hand side of the attacking three midfielders and proved that he is still the most technically gifted player in United's ranks. He's also one of the most hard working. The Spaniard's play on the ball in the first half especially was class. He set a number of attacks up and got United out of a number of tricky situations with a clever turn. However, it was his work rate in the second half that was arguably more impressive. Newcastle were under the cosh for large spells after half time but Ayoze stuck to his task and gave Massadio Haidara plenty of support. In fact, the former Tenerife man looked like a far more defensively sound left back than the Frenchman behind him. His performance made a point, and begged the question why he wasn't selected for either of the opening two games...
Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.