Sunderland AFC have played host to some truly atrocious players over the years, with Kelvin Davis' spills and Paul McShane stumbles still etched into the memories of the long-suffering fans. But the North East fanbases tend to have at least some forgiveness towards their most diabolical flops, with Davis and McShane among two of the players given a far warmer reception than they should ever have deserved upon their returns to the Stadium of Light with Southampton and Hull respectively. On Wearside, effort, commitment and passion are revered as highly as a perfectly executed bit of skill and for any player that comes to the club, the minimum expectation from the fans is that the they give 100% to the cause, even if they aren't up to scratch. But when players and managers aim a swipe at the football club during or after their time on Wearside, things get personal. If you insult the football club, you're insulting the 40,000+ fans that pile into the stadium for every game, and when you lose the fans, it's rare for anybody to win them back around. So here are the 15 biggest villains in Sunderland history; people who, on-and-off the pitch, got it badly wrong.
What Culture contributor. NCTJ accredited Sports Journalist. Regret-filled Sunderland AFC season ticket holder. Optimism-filled NFL fan. Lover of all things Game Of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead & more.