20 Best Rangers Players Of The Modern Era

6. Michael Mols

Injury would blight his tenure at Ibrox, but nobody who watched him play will ever say anything other than positive things about this particular Dutchman. When Michael Mols became a Rangers player in 1999, fans of his previous club, FC Utrecht, wrote letters to the club, informing them that they had just captured one very special piece of talent. If that didn't grab people's attention, the man's performances soon did. Even watching back to some of his goals on YouTube fills many Bluenoses full of wonder, because Mols had it all. From incredible skill and an innate ability to turn opposition defenders inside out, to precision strikes which may have wounded a goalkeeper had they been unfortunate to be in the way, Michael would have surely become even better had he not been cut down by injury. During one UEFA Champions League match against Bayern Munich in Germany, Rangers were running the show, and Mols was at the forefront. Sadly, he'd injure his knee during an innocuous collision with goalkeeper Oliver Kahn, and would arguably never be the same player again, but what a talent he was when injury-free.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.