20 Players Rangers Must Regret Signing

11. Andrius Velika

Ok, so Andrius Velika did score some important goals for Glasgow Rangers in season 2008-2009, but he also cost in excess of £1 million for only 4 goals, and spent the vast majority of his time at the club out on loan to Bristol City and Aberdeen, clubs who weren't exactly in the position to pay his entire salary. Walter Smith simply wanted a big, bull-like striker whom he could bring on for the last 20 minutes or so to rumble up the opposition, and whilst it worked, spending £1 million on the man was a bit much in the eyes of many Rangers supporters. Viking FK of Norway, Velika's previous club before the Gers, had paid Hearts the same fee to take him, but he hadn't really set the world alight in Norway. Therefore, it was greeted as somewhat of a surprise that Rangers were going to hand Viking the same figure to take him to Ibrox just a year after the big man had left Scotland. Crucial goals in the SPL title race or not, the transfer fee didn't justify the amount of goals or appearances Velika made/scored during his 3 year stint at Rangers.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.