20 Players Rangers Must Regret Signing

3. James Beattie

When even pictures of the man playing for Rangers show him looking like he's never seen a football before, it becomes clear that James Beattie wasn't exactly the best fit for a career at Ibrox Stadium. It's a strange anomaly of a situation, because the Lancashire native had earlier been lethal as a striker for clubs such as Southampton and Sheffield United, but that didn't translate over onto Rangers. Signed in the Summer months of 2010 for around £2 million, Beattie looked unfit, out of shape and weirdly ill at ease with playing football. Only managing 7 games, the forward never even scored a single goal, the ball bouncing off his shins whenever he tried to control it, and his shots creeping far wide of the post any time he had a crack at that big net with the white posts around it. Walter Smith must have been scratching his head, because this was not the James Beattie that had been talked about as a revelation in the English game. Once linked with Manchester United, during his Rangers spell the man looked like he would have struggled to get into the Ayr United first team. At least Filip Šebo scored...

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.