20 Words That Mean Something Totally Different To Newcastle Fans

3. Two Pints

What It Usually Means: A multiple unit of measurement, and what most football fans will have either side of the game. What It Means To Us: The unit of measurement signifying the amount of beer a Newcastle fan will have on either side of the match if their wife/partner asks, usually consisting of ten pints.

2. The Derby

What It Usually Means: A famous horse race. What It Means To Us: Everything.

1. Mackem

What It Usually Means: An affectionate term for residents of North East industrial city Sunderland, based on a dialect quirk that makes them pronounce "make" and "take" as "mack" and "tack". What It Means To Us: A wholly derogatory word, based on the silly accent quirks of the town down the road, identifying natives of Wearside who choose to support Sunderland. No affection at all, and the fact that they've adopted it as a nickname is a source of great annoyance. Which other examples would you add to this lexicon of phrases that mean something entirely different to members of the Toon Army? Share yours below.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.