25 Players Who Stole A Living From Rangers

12. Emerson

A lot of longtime fans of English football may remember the name Emerson, part of a wild era for Middlesbrough in the mid-90's. Festooned with spare cash, it was a crazy time for fans of the club, as stars such as Ravanelli from Juventus ad Paul Gascoigne started flooding in! By the time Emerson signed for Rangers in 2003, he wasn't quite the player he had been, even if he had previously always flattered to deceive more than anything else. At least Middlesbrough fans got to see some flair, Rangers supporters instead suffered through one of the worst teams in the club's history, and Emerson was a major part of why it was so rotten. Lifeless and passive in midfield, Emerson only clubbed together 14 appearances for the Scottish giants, and ended up only playing over the span of one season. It was a rough time to be a Gers fan, and not just because of Emerson, a few of his team mates are yet to come, but more on that later.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.