25 Players Who Stole A Living From Rangers

10. Jerome Rothen

The irony of this player's name really says it all, and it surely must rank up their with Celtic's Brazilian signing, Rafael Scheidt (pronounced 'sh**e', as in Scottish for 'feces'). Signed in 2009 on loan from Paris Saint-Germain, Rothen (pronounced 'rotten'), proved to be exactly that during 4 matches. It may seem like a stretch to claim that the Frenchman stole a living from Rangers, but he was at the club for far longer than 4 games, and was more than happy to pick up his wages for doing absolutely nothing. Going even further, there were reports that he was even told by manager Walter Smith not to bother turning up for training on occasion, and would eventually claim he was home sick. After another loan switch to Turkey, Rothen returned to France, where he has stayed ever since. Never once looking comfortable at Ibrox, the least the man could have done was show some integrity, and ask to return to his parent club, instead of simply milking cash.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.