25 Players Who Stole A Living From Rangers

3. Ian Black

Utter the name Ian Black around Ibrox today, and it's likely that boos will start to ring out. Has there ever been a less popular player with the Rangers supporters than the diminutive midfielder? The man has a cocky attitude, one he struggles to back up with actual decent performances on the park, and there's no doubt few fans can wait to see the back of him. Black's contract expires in the Summer of 2015, and he hasn't really been seen since Stuart McCall took over as interim manager in March. It seems his face just doesn't fit, but the player hasn't helped his own cause, routinely under-performing and showing himself to not to be good enough to play in front of 50,000 fans. A few years ago, reports started to circulate that Black had decided to place a bet on Rangers losing, in a game he was playing in. Obviously, this did little to endear him to those around the club, but a grovelling apology preserved his wage for a while longer. Thankfully, it seems Ian Black's tenure at Rangers is coming to an end, and it can't come quick enough for most.
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