25 Players Who Stole A Living From Rangers

23. Michael Ball

Ironically, given the current financial state of Rangers, it was due to money problems that Michael Ball found himself sold by Everton in 2001. Many fans often cite Ball as one of Alex McLeish's worst signings, which is wholly false, because it was actually Dick Advocaat who would bring the English left-back to Ibrox, to the tune of £6.5 million. A hidden clause in the man's contract called for Rangers to pay Everton another £500,000 should he play over a certain number of times, which meant Michael did an awful lot of training - but had no real game time - after a while. Talk about a waste of money, Ball did possess some talent, and would later go on to play for Manchester City, but he didn't really make a splash in Scotland. Part of the problem lay with his fiery attitude, as though he felt entitled to always be playing. Included in a squad many Rangers fans feel is one of the club's worst ever in the 2003-2004 season, Michael Ball is largely forgotten by a lot of supporters, even though he did actually spent 4 years reaping the then still sizeable rewards of being a Rangers player.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.