25 Worst Premier League Signings Ever

7. Ade Akinbiyi

Infamous in hushed circles in pubs up and down the country discussing some of the Premier League's worst ever strikers, Ade Akinbiyi's arrival as the new main striker at Filbert Street was met with high expectations after the sale of Emile Heskey to Liverpool in 2000.

On paper, he had all the hallmarks of being a success at the club; physically strong, consistent scoring at his previous clubs, essentially replacing Heskey like-for-like. Too soon though did Leicester fans find out how horrendously skewed that theory was.

Quickly becoming renowned for missing sitters, including four in a single game against Liverpool, the Leicester fans quickly grew impatient with their new striker and his inability to finish. Enduring a fifteen-game barren spell before his first goal for the club, he only managed eleven goals in his fifty-eight appearances at the club.

Becoming a journeyman in every sense of the word since, he has achieved respectable returns at lower league clubs, but was just clearly not cut out for the Premier League.


An English literature graduate who probably should do more writing, but chose to run a bar instead. Go figure.