25 Worst Premier League Signings Ever

6. Massimo Taibi

Brought in to fill the boots of the departed Peter Schmeichel, it was always going to be a tough ask for Taibi to perform at the same level as the legendary Dane. Four games was all it took for Sir Alex Ferguson to realise that he'd committed a horrendous error. Another rare swipe and miss from the Scot, Taibi was rushed into the starting line up after injuries to Mark Bosnich and Raimond Van Der Gouw respectively.

His first game couldn't have had more pressure on him to perform; against Liverpool, at Anfield. Whilst he by and large put in a respectable display, he flapped at a free kick, allowing Sami Hyppia to score. A sign of things to come.

The following three games were a nightmare for the Italian shot stopper, including a 5-0 reverse against Chelsea where he looked unsure of himself throughout the game, and probably his lasting legacy at United; the daisy-cutter shot that slipped through his legs against Southampton.

It's no surprise that Taibi was quickly sent back to Italy not long after.


An English literature graduate who probably should do more writing, but chose to run a bar instead. Go figure.