30 Football Cliches That Badly Need To Die

11. Power And Placement

For a long time in Britain, football was divided into two camps: power on the one hand, placement on the other. Purveyors of the former were applauded for their direct approach, while the latter were viewed suspiciously for their artsy, skillful approach. Then something strange happened: the two merged. The ancient cliche 'he opted for power over placement' morphed into 'that had power and placement', pundits nervously testing out this new philosophy on their tongues while wondering if they'd be burned as witches. While there's nothing wrong with the cliche itself, the fact that pundits still say it with an unacceptable amount of surprise, as though they're still digesting the fact that a shot can be both well hit and well aimed, earns it a place on the ban list.

Feature and fiction writer based in the north of England.