5 Reasons Cole Miller Is Off The Mark About Conor McGregor

3. Injury Replacements Happen All The Time

UFC Miller Mcgregor This complaint by Cole Miller will absolutely blow your mind: "He got a full camp of preparation when his opponent didn€™t. I don€™t think anyone can really judge Diego. He got in there and like I said, he didn€™t get his full camp." This is 100% factually true, but the reason Diego Brandao didn't get a full camp is that Cole Miller broke his hand! Brandao was a late replacement for an injured fighter, and here you have said injured fighter complaining that Conor McGregor "got a full camp of preparation" - well yes he did, because he didn't have to come in on short notice. That's not his fault! Was the UFC to scrap a major event in a country they hadn't been to in five years because of an injury, when injury replacements happen all the time? This has to be the most asinine statement to come from the MMA realm in a while. As you can see above, the UFC had already released marketing material for the McGregor vs. Miller event, so Miller's complaint about a full training camp is laughable. It was his injury that caused all this.

Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.