5 Reasons To Watch Serie A This Season

1. The Fans

Italian football is well-known for its passionate supporters and none more so than the fans known as “ultras”. These are groups, predominantly made up of young men, whose devotion to their team borders on fanatical. They use the terraces in the stadiums to display elaborate banners to support their team and intimidate their rivals. Even by just watching the games on television, the fan’s displays and chanting add an extra dimension to the game that you don’t get during Premier League games.

Football is woven into the fabric of Italian society and club lines run deep throughout many aspects of daily life. An example of this is the adoration shown by Napoli fans towards their prodigal son, Diego Maradona. The legend of El Diego is an oft-repeated instance of the lasting cultural impact that players can have on entire cities and, even though he left in 1991, showcases the legacy that mercurial players can cultivate.

Overall, if you’re looking for a league where the fans are emotionally invested in the action on the pitch, then Serie A is the one to watch for the coming season.


Jake Sandy is a full-time physics student and part-time freelance football writer. He is a Chelsea fan who mostly focuses on European football, especially the Premier League and Serie A. Despite being relatively new to football writing, he doesn’t shy away from having bold opinions – just try and tell him Frank Lampard isn’t the best midfielder of the Premier League era.