6 Things To Expect On Deadline Day

1. Classic Jim White Moments

Sky Sports News HQ presenter Jim White could make last week's dreadful game between Aston Villa v Newcastle sound like the best game in history. He's the kind of rampantly enthusiastic presence who could make a last minute loan deal between Bolton and Walsall sound like the most important thing in the world. Jim is so popular even bookmakers are taking bets on which catchphrase the Scotsman will say first, to the first club he mentions and his most used word of the evening. Some even call today Jim White Day. Yes, there's a lot of silliness to what he does - the play-acting and fake phone-calls - but he knows what it is to be an entertainer and that is precisely what today is all about. What business do you think your side will do this deadline day? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.

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