Arsenal: 5 Reasons Arsene Wenger MUST Go, NOW

5. Poor Match Performances

Spurs Arsenal There€™s only so long you can put a lack of trophy's in the cabinet down to bad luck. Arsenal fans are all too aware that it has been 8 years since their last major competition win, but the club only have themselves to blame. While their 2-0 away win at Bayern Munich in the Champions League this season showed that this Arsenal team can beat anyone when they are up to it, it€™s their performances against weaker opposition that have condemned Arsenal to another trophy-less season. Being knocked out by Blackburn and Bradford in the FA cup and the Capital One cup respectively was a real kick in the teeth for the fans, while dropping points in the league against the likes of Swansea, Sunderland and Fulham at home has left Arsenal in danger of failing to qualify for the Champions League for the first time in 16 years. As manager, it is Wenger€™s job to make sure his players do not become complacent against weaker opponents, especially when playing in front of a home crowd.

Danny - 29, love gaming, sport and movies. Please let me know if you have an issue with any of my opinions and I will duly ignore them