Arsenal: 5 Reasons For Optimism

2. Confidence

At the moment everything in the Arsenal garden is rosy, the financial results were good, the players are on fire and the supporters like what they are witnessing. Having been spoilt like a new royal baby in Arsene€™s first eight years, Gooners took it for granted and just sat back and expected it to carry on for ever. Thus support at the Emirates became lazy as they basked in the new stadium. Unfortunately, the team took its lead from the support and have struggled to ever make it a fortress. However, I think the fans realised they were part of the malaise that was around the team and the volume at the ground has increased as the team has raised its game. Confidence as a fickle mistress but at the moment the team have it in spades. They are playing with hunger, desire, determination and there is a belief around the stadium that this could be the season the trophy drought ends. Obviously, this will be tested when the good run comes to an end as all good runs surely do. But with the new found belief allied with an improved team spirit let us hope they can start again.

Arsenal season ticket holder with an opinion on anything and everything. Am usually wrong just will never admit it!