Chelsea 3-1 Southampton: 5 Things To Consider

4. Taking The Michael - Is Essien Past It?

Sunday's game was Michael Essien's first Premier League start since May 2012 and it showed from the first minute, or 13 seconds to be precise! Essien has always been a big favourite of Mourinho's and it perhaps shouldn't have been a surprise when he took him on loan at Real Madrid. Now back at The Bridge, Essien appears half the player he once was and after gifting Southampton with the opening goal with his awful attempted backpass, he was booked for diving and then replaced at half time. Mourinho was protective of his player in the post match press conference, indicating that the change was made as a result of the booking he picked up, as opposed to his performance. Once a powerhouse, able to break up play and drive his side forward, the Ghanaian looks to have lost pace and power, and it was his opposite number Victor Wanyama who seemed the more dominant force in the first half. Although everyone will remember the mistake for the goal, it was his all round performance that gave cause for concern. It could be put down to a lack of match practice, but Mourinho may have to face up to the fact that Essien is past his best and may not be worthy of a starting spot any longer.

I am an Evertonian originating from Yorkshire and living in Bedfordshire. I have always had an obsession with football and a passion for writing and I am keen to get started in the world of football journalism. I hope that my writing entertains you all and leaves you thirsty for more!