Chelsea Transfers - 5 Reasons Benitez Must Sign David Villa

2. Winning Experience

Spain One look at David Villa's CV will show you that his trophy cabinet is probably creaking and swaying to the point of collapse. 1 La Liga title, 1 Champions League, 1 Copa del Rey, 2 Supercopa de EspaƱa's, 1 UEFA Super Cup, 1 FIFA Club World Cup, 1 European Championship and 1 World Cup. If Abramovic had that sort of trophy haul sitting nice and polished at Stamford Bridge, he probably wouldn't have sacked all and sundry. David Villa has been there and won that. He has the experience of playing in the big games. If you look at Chelsea's team now, it is brimming with youth. Nicolas Anelka and Didier Drogba are gone, Ashley Cole and Frank Lampard are on their way out. What you have left is a young, exciting, but crucially inexperienced team. Villa could bring that touch of class and injection if wisdom and help Chelsea though the difficult patches they have been going through lately.

Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.