2. Michu
Whilst not technically a striker, he has been employed in the "false 9" role by Swansea and is the second highest scorer in the Premier League so far this season. Chelsea, who have tried a few times to play the false 9 tactic and failed, may look to Michu as someone to play that role if they wish to try it again in the future, especially if Roman Abramovich wants to emulate one of the great current European sides. The false 9 role is basically the role that Messi plays for Barcelona, giving him the freedom to come deep and run with the ball to untold success in Spain. No other club in the Premier League has tried this strategy and you have to credit Swansea for risking it with Michu, considering how well the risk is paying off. As beautiful football is what Abramovich seems keen on at Chelsea, signing Michu may be a step he has to take to ensure that he gets exactly what he wants. http://youtu.be/X2jio4_Egmk
Daniel Jones
Danny is a keen fan of Football, WWE, and Gaming and has an opinion on each! He is 19 Years old and from South East England, also preaching my opinions on twitter @drjonesy1994
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