Man Utd: 10 Reasons Why Giggs-Van Gaal Relationship Will End In Tears

8. Van Gaal And Giggs Handle The Media Very Differently

If you happened to catch Twitter after Giggs€™ first press conference as interim manager, you will have seen that it was awash with praise for the Welshman. Fans and the media were lured in by his charm and jovial attitude, with Giggs joking that he had given himself a new five-year contract. With van Gaal, you just never know what mood you are going to catch him in. This week a Dutch newspaper wrote an article which listed 10 tips for journalists attending his press conferences. "Keep on your toes" and "be brief" were two nuggets of advice which sum up the intriguing list. The clear contrast in Giggs and van Gaal€™s media style could cause friction between the pair. Naturally as manager van Gaal will handle the press, but if his relationship with the media turns sour, don€™t be surprised to see more attention turning towards Giggs.

Simon is an NCTJ qualified sports journalist. He has conducted interviews with Tony Adams and Peter Shilton, while also having work published in The Daily Telegraph and The Sun. Follow him on Twitter via @sr_collings.