Newcastle: 10 Craziest Players Ever To Wear Black & White

6. Laurent Robert

Newcastle fans love their flair players, and will forgive them for most things, including abject laziness and disappearing out of games entirely. The reason for that mentality comes hand-in-hand with players like Laurent Robert, the notoriously grumpy French winger who set the Premier League ablaze as part of the same Entertainers 2.0 team as Bellamy. Yes, he drifted out of games badly, but he had a left foot like a wand, particularly when taking free-kicks, and he scored some of the greatest goals Newcastle fans will ever have seen. But he was also a bit of a lunatic, and thought himself bigger than the club, first criticising Sir Bobby Robson's summer signings at the end of the 2001/02 season, and then criticising both Graeme Souness and the entire Newcastle squad. To say he believed his own hype was without question, and he signed off against Chelsea by taking off all of his clothes (aside from a pair of unattractive grey underpants) and announcing he was done with Newcastle.

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