Newcastle Transfers: 10 Major Deals That Will Happen This Summer

6. Clement Grenier

Newcastle nearly got the man they identified as the replacement for midfield maestro Yohan Cabaye in January, and probably would of had the transfer been put together further from the end of the window. But he's the man they want, and will likely be the clubs big summer transfer saga. Lyon have had a tough time of it in Ligue 1 this year, and look set to miss out Champions League football. Grenier would've been a target for Arsenal but they will likely focus their attention on former Toon-target Florian Thauvin - whose side Marseille also look set to miss out on the big European competition next season. Newcastle are going to throw their weight behind this signing and will offer Grenier a top contract as well as the position of being the man they build the team around. He's got big shoes to fill and whether or not he succeeds, time will tell.

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