Premier League: 5 Reasons Why Stadiums Need Standing Sections

5. There Is No Good Reason Not To


With thirteen clubs looking to trial standing areas, fans setting up their own associations to bring back standing and even senior members of the police forces saying they would like to trial it there is no reason that standing shouldn't come back. It is what a lot of fans want to see and it has the potential to increase crowds, increase volume and improve the sport as a spectator experience dramatically. With what we have learned from the past and the new methods we have learnt combined with what the calm modern supporter there is no reason to see why it would go wrong.

To conclude this article, I would like to say that, in my own humble opinion, standing areas would only add to the sport and won't detract from it in any way.


Max Whitehead hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.