Premier League's 11 Biggest Crybabies

5. Arsene Wenger

To be fair to Arsene Wenger, these past nine years haven't been particularly kind on his Arsenal side. The Gunners have just recently ended a near-decade-long trophy drought by winning the FA Cup and Wenger can perhaps be forgiven for throwing the occasional tantrum or five during that troubling period. That kind of stress would be enough to break any man and Wenger was certainly pushed to breaking point at times, seething silently on the touchline as decisions were perceived to go against his side and throwing his water bottle on the ground in dismay. Our Arsene sure does enjoy having a bit of a moan, and has famously whinged at Chelsea counterpart Jose Mourinho in the past, recently having a dig at the Blues boss for selling Juan Mata to Manchester United. Wenger has a penchant for sticking his nose in other people's business and having a good whinge about the way of the world, and was once labelled a 'voyeur' by Mourinho, who had become increasingly annoyed at comments made by the Frenchman about his team, and he might have had a point - perhaps the Gunners chief should just keep his opinions to himself from time to time instead of complaining about every little thing.

Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.