Rangers Transfers: 10 Signings To Secure Promotion

3. Sone Aluko (Hull City)

The 2011-2012 campaign was Rangers latest in the then-Scottish Premier League. In February, 2012, the club entered into administration by crooker former owner Craig Whyte, something which has haunted the footballing institution ever since. Rangers fans didn't have a lot to cheer about that year, but the obvious talents of Sone Aluko offered up a little sunshine. Fans at Ibrox were impressed when the then-free agent stumped up his own cash to get his Rangers stint up and running. People then watched in awe as the former Aberdeen man scored 12 goals in just 21 appearances, most memorably skinning the entire Celtic backline before slotting into the net. That's the kind of inspiration and spark Rangers require to get them promotion. At the moment, Aluko is under contract to Hull City. There are rumours that Steve Bruce will look to move the attacking midfielder on in January, and Rangers should be the ones coming calling for his services. Last time around, Aluko was brilliant. Hull play a better standard week in and week out that Rangers do, certainly in terms of opposition. Just as he did before, Aluko would be a surefire success in Scotland.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.