Spurs Transfers: The Pros And Cons Of Signing David Villa


david villa penalty I'm certainly not going to question David Villa's enthusiasm throughout his career so far - you don't achieve what he's achieved with a lack of enthusiasm. What I am going to do is question whether or not he would have the enthusiasm to play for Tottenham Hotspur. Having found relentless success with club and country since 2010 (as well as various sporadic honours prior to that), it is questionable whether or not the 'step down' to play for Tottenham would be something Villa would relish or whether he'd merely see it as one last pay day. His agent has already stated in the media that Villa would be potentially interested in a move to Fiorentina in Italy's Serie A, due to what he sees as an 'interesting project' taking place there. If this is his preferred destination, bringing him to a club that he isn't overly keen on playing for might not be the best idea. In conclusion; I'm a positive and optimistic person and, while I can see the risks, I view this potential transfer with what I'd like to describe as 'hesitant rationalisation'. I'm cautiously standing on the side of the fence that says Spurs should make this happen because, even in the short term, the impact that such a fantastic striker could have at White Hart Lane is so telling that the positive ramifications could benefit Spurs for many years to come. What do you think? Would Villa be a good signing for Spurs? Have your say in the comments box below.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.