Spurs Transfers: The Pros And Cons Of Signing David Villa

Injury Proneness

injury2david villa2 Whilst playing against Al Sadd in Yokohama at the 2011 FIFA World Club Cup, David Villa broke his tibia. Doctors initially suggested that he would be out for around 6 months, but he ended up missing the entirety of the 2011-2012 season - including the 2012 European Championships with Spain. Since then, he has never looked quite the player he was prior to the injury and has picked up injuries on a more frequent basis than he used to. He's still a class act, undoubtedly, as even 50% of the pre-2011 David Villa is still top class, but it has affected his game and anyone who suffers such a major injury when they are nearing 30 years of age is going to suffer consequences periodically from thereon-in. It is this particular factor that really makes the transfer somewhat risky. Another major injury for Villa would probably end his career permanently.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.