Stoke vs Man City: 5 Key Battles

5. Huth v Negredo

Bruising German defender Robert Huth is an absolute powerhouse in defence and comes up against Spaniard, Alvaro Negredo for the first time in his career on Saturday. With both players above 6 foot tall, they are likely to compete in an interesting aerial battle come Saturday. Alvaro Negredo is a large attacking presence and is definitely already in impressive goalscoring form having already scored 2 Premiership goals from the bench this season. As well as this, Negredo proved his rich vein of goalscoring form with a goal for the Spanish national side last Friday, away in Finland. Robert Huth, at the heart of a Stoke defence that has conceded just 3 goals this season, will have to keep an eye on the Spaniard whether he starts or comes on from the bench. Huth, who has been impressive during the last few seasons in the Premiership, is unlikely to be phased by the prospect of phasing Negredo though. It is hard to choose a single player that I believe will come out on top in this battle to be honest, Huth can be an impenetrable wall but Negredo is a born goalscorer. All it would take is one lapse in concentration for Negredo to take advantage.

17. Oldham Athletic fan and FC Barcelona follower. Love Football and Sport in general. Currently attending Blue Coat Sixth Form. Studying Mathematics, English Language, Geography and Media. Be sure to follow me on Twitter - @joshuapsjones