Tottenham vs Arsenal: 5 Greatest Ever North London Derby Matches

4. Spurs 4 Arsenal 5 €“ Premier League 2004 In a truly end to end battle Arsenal eventually won out in a game that could hardly be described as defensive. In a similar quirk of fate to the previous game the match was primarily notable to start with as being Martin Jol€™s first in charge for Spurs but it was the final score that made it most significant. The score at half time was 1-1 with Spurs scoring first and Arsenal equalising in time added on. Then came the 2nd half which saw Arsenal lead both 3-1 and 4-2 before holding on for an eventual 5-4 victory with 5 goals being shared in a crazy 20 minute spell. No one should be surprised that an Arsenal team that contained on the day Henry, Pires, Ljungberg, Bergkamp and Fabregas in the starting line up should be so potent up front nor should they be surprised that with Pascal Cygan in defence it should leak so many goals.


Corporate Recruiter by day, sports obsessive by night. All round good guy (I hope).