Tottenham vs Arsenal: 5 Greatest Ever North London Derby Matches

3. Spurs 3 Arsenal 1 €“ FA Cup Semi Final 1991

Wembley In the interests of balanced journalism (yes, I am calling myself a journalist) I am forced to recall at least once classic North London derby in which Spurs went home with the spoils. The FA Cup semi-final of 1991 saw the game taking place at Wembley Stadium and the old Twin Towers saw one of the greatest individual performances as Paul Gascoigne almost single handedly guided Spurs past Arsenal to that year€™s final. The game itself started with a massive bang as Gascoigne€™s 5th minute howitzer of a free kick screamed past David Seamen into the top the right hand corner of the Arsenal net. A second Spurs goal followed shortly afterwards from Gary Lineker and from there Spurs barely looked back and ran out deserved 3 -1 winners. In the post match interviews Gascoigne couldn€™t contain his excitement and my abiding memories of the match are of that free kick and the immortal phrase €œAm away to git me suit€. Spurs fans quite rightly were jubilant and football fans across the country celebrated the undoubted football genius of Gazza absolutely at the peak of his powers. One month and one reckless tackle later in the Cup final and his legacy started to unwind. The rest as they say, especially most recently, is history.

Corporate Recruiter by day, sports obsessive by night. All round good guy (I hope).