Tottenham vs Arsenal: 5 Greatest Ever North London Derby Matches

1. Spurs 0 Arsenal 1 €“ League 1971

There are those that say in any league season there is no game bigger than the derby with your local rivals. Well, what about a derby with your local rivals knowing that a win or even a draw would be enough to win you the league title? That was the equation that faced Frank McLintock, George Graham and their fellow Arsenal teammates when they travelled to White Hart Lane in early May 1971. It would be hard to describe the game as a classic, especially given the obvious nerves in the away team, but as the clock ticked towards the last few minutes a typical Ray Kennedy header gave Arsenal the win and the points to secure their first league championship since 1953. To rub salt into the already bitter Spurs wounds that same Arsenal team then went on to win the FA Cup final against Liverpool 5 days later thus securing the League & Cup double. So what do you think? Point proved or can you find a more impressive 5 football derby matches? Leave me a comment.

Corporate Recruiter by day, sports obsessive by night. All round good guy (I hope).