UFC: 10 Reasons Jon Jones Went From Good Guy To Bad Guy

8. The Rashad Evans/Jackson's MMA Incident

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_yQZumCwnQ By this time some fans had already started to smell something fishy about Jon Jones -- probably all those quotes he used to recite during interviews. That type of thing can tend to come off as pretentious. Whatever it was, it wasn't until his incident with Rashad Evans and Jackson's MMA, did we see another side of the young phenom. Rashad Evans was "the man" when Jones entered the UFC for the first time. In the fall of 2008 Evans knocked out Chuck Liddell, then in December of that year he defeated Forrest Griffin to become the 205-pound champion. At the time Evans had been training with Jackson's MMA in Albuquerque, N.M. Jones was looking to take his game to the next level and ended up moving his training camp from New York to Jackson's. Head Coach Greg Jackson along with Evans and the team welcomed him in with open arms. There was only one problem, Evans and Jones were in the same weight division, so according to Evans, the two made a pact they would never fight each other. Evans ended up losing the title, and Jones ended up, with Evans' blessing, fighting for and winning the belt. It was all good at this point and the belt was still with the Jackson's camp. That was until, Jones did an interview saying if the UFC wanted it, he'd fight Evans. This caused a division in the camp and Evans ended up leaving Jackson's MMA for good.
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Jon Jones
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I still watch the whole series "The Sopranos" through at least a couple times a year. The first book I ever bought was on Astral Projection. I went to college in Las Vegas and have rode a skateboard most my life. Have a dog named Riley. I've also written about MMA daily since 2008. Find me on the Tweeter @PROMMA.