UFC: 10 Reasons Jon Jones Went From Good Guy To Bad Guy

7. Inauthentic And Cocky

http://youtu.be/sxyeoomgeeQ The fallout from the Rashad Evans/Jackson's MMA fiasco left a bitter taste in a lot of fans' mouths. Jones and Evans eventually faced off at UFC 145 in April 2012, and the build-up to the fight got very ugly with a lot of trash talk back-and-forth. Jones was labeled as "fake" and "cocky" by Evans and the sentiment rang true with a lot of fans. There was one interview in particular he did with CSS Sports leading up to the bout with Evans in which he compared himself to Muhammed Ali then explained why people of America could learn a thing or two from him. Jones said:
"I have the attitude of a champion and a winner and I believe it's something people in America could learn from. It's very important to believe in yourself. It's a cold world out there and this world will pass you buy if you give another man anything over yourself. So I'll say I'm the best looking. I'll say I'm the most funny. I'll say I'm the most charismatic. I'll say I'm the most mainstream. I'll say I'm everything and I believe it in my heart. ... America and the world, they need a positive role model. They need a message of positivity. They need a message of being confident."
Not only is he a cage fighting champion, he has a message for the world. You can see why this sort of pretentious attitude might turn some fans off. With Jones' father being a preacher, it's evident the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree... or does it?
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Jon Jones
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I still watch the whole series "The Sopranos" through at least a couple times a year. The first book I ever bought was on Astral Projection. I went to college in Las Vegas and have rode a skateboard most my life. Have a dog named Riley. I've also written about MMA daily since 2008. Find me on the Tweeter @PROMMA.