9 More Star Wars Subplots That Went Literally Nowhere

5. Cassian's Missing Sister

Star Wars Mace Windu

The very first episode of Disney's terrific Andor series reveals that Cassian (Diego Luna) is desperately searching for his long lost sister Kerri (Belle Swarc). 

Fans naturally expected this plot thread to carry through the entire season, yet it quickly fades into the periphery, and mid-way through the season Cassian's adoptive mother Maarva (Fiona Shaw) tells him to forget about her.

Indeed, the brilliant first season surprisingly ended without this thread being picked back up at all, and so fans are left eagerly anticipating whether it'll be a fixture in the upcoming second.

But in an interview last June, showrunner Tony Gilroy implied that the storyline may be permanently left up in the air, with Cassian instead learning to let go of his missing sister.

Given that Gilroy, who by his own admission isn't a Star Wars fan, has avoided the franchise's more sentimental trappings so far, it seems highly plausible that Kerri's fate will remain an agonising mystery forever more. And honestly, that's OK.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.