Star Wars: 9 Secrets Of The Ghost Ship You Need To Know

3. Han Solo Once Said The Ghost Was BETTER Than The Falcon

Star Wars Hera Ghost

As difficult as it may to be believe, there was actually a moment in time when the long-time pilot of the Millennium Falcon openly stated that another ship was superior to his precious YT-1300 light freighter.

During Forces of Destiny's "An Imperial Feast" episode, Han Solo and Chewbacca find themselves on the receiving end of a Leia Organa telling off after almost letting the Ewoks of Endor cook some captured stormtroopers.

And in order to keep the hungry little guys from chomping down on some tied-up Imperial forces, Solo and Chewie are told to go and ask General Syndulla for some ration sticks.

The Rebel pilot is happy to help feed the fur-balls, of course. But on one condition: Solo needed to confess that the Ghost was a better ship than his own.

After a bit of expected resistance, Solo finally uttered the painful phrase Hera had seemingly been trying to tease out of him for some time before returning to Leia with a few crates full of snacks.

And while Organa was quick to reassure a wounded Han that no one honestly believed the Ghost was the better of the two Rebel birds, the record will always show that the words "the Ghost is a superior ship to the Falcon" once tumbled out of Solo's frustrated mouth.

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