Star Wars: 9 Secrets Of The Ghost Ship You Need To Know

2. How Much Is The Ghost Worth?

Star Wars Hera Ghost
Disney XD

Ever found yourself wondering just how much it'd cost to bring home one of the many impressive starships seen speeding across space in Star Wars?

Well, they're not what you'd call cheap, folks.

Hell, even a used YT-1300 light freighter would set you back a hefty 25,000 credits in the galaxy far, far away, according to the YT-1300 Millennium Falcon Owners' Workshop Manual. And with a credit generally being worth the same as one US dollar, that's a whole lot of cash for a second-hand transport.

But a brand new Millennium Falcon - at 100,000 credits - still isn't quite as expensive as Hera Syndulla's Ghost.

As noted in the Dawn of Rebellion sourcebook, Syndulla would have likely had to pay a whopping 155,000 credits to get her hands on the VCX-100 light freighter she'd eventually massively modify and rename the Ghost.

Sure, it turned out to be a hell of an investment in the end, with Syndulla using the ship as her flying home throughout the Galactic Civil War and age of the New Republic, and the Ghost eventually surviving long enough to see the First Order-Resistance War.

But forking out on this particular ship definitely must have hurt the ol' space wallet for a moment there. That's assuming Hera gained possession of the Ghost legally, of course.

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