Page 2 - Friday The 13th
Friday The 13th: 10 Funniest Jason Voorhees Kills
The funniest and most outlandish kills from Camp Crystal Lake's resident serial killer.
Original Director Sean S. Cunningham Developing New Friday The 13th Movie
After 14 years, Jason Voorhees looks to finally be gearing up for a return to the silver…
10 Horror Movie Characters Who Made Our Skin Crawl
The slimeballs, the sleazes, the arrogant a**hats and the all-out obnoxious jerks.
9 Movie Franchise Staples That Actually Came From Sequels
You can't get everything right on the first attempt.
10 Unnecessary Horror Movie Details You NEED To Know
You just know that you need to know these things that you don't need to know.
9 Horror Movie Heroes Killed By Their Own Vices
Those protagonists brought down by their own addictions, obsessions, ego, greed or immorality.