Page 3 - MCU
MCU Quiz: Who Said It - Thor Or Peter Quill?
Can you tell the difference between a Thor quote and a Star-Lord one?
10 Most Confusing Scenes In MCU History
Why exactly did Thor go swimming in a dark cave, again?
MCU Quiz: Who Said It - Captain Marvel Or Captain America?
Separating those inspirational Captain America quotes from powerful Captain Marvel ones?
MCU Quiz: Who Said It - Doctor Strange Or Loki?
Do you know all there is to know about these multidimensional heroes?
MCU Quiz: Who Said It - Black Widow Or Hawkeye?
Were these 12 MCU quotes said by Black Widow or Hawkeye?
MCU Quiz: Who Said It - Iron Man Or Ant-Man?
Test your Tony Stark and Scott Lang knowledge in this MCU quotes quiz!