10 Legendary Star Trek Kit-Bashes
8. Intrepid-type
The Intrepid-type appeared in Star Trek: Enterprise, serving as a support craft in Starfleet. The ship was a digital kit-bash, using elements from the Doug Drexler-designed NX01. The nacelles were effectively rotated 90 degrees, while the saucer section was halved.
Rob Bonchune commented on the design, saying that once the directive to design new ships had come through, there was very little turnaround time. Therefore, kit-bashing became the most viable means to achieve a new fleet of ships.
The half-saucer, as he called it, was never referred to as anything else during production. He didn't realise it was going to be called an Intrepid-type until the dialogue appeared in the episode. The design certainly served its purpose, filling out the ranks of the early Earth fleet, even if it was a little half-built and miniscule!