10 MORE Star Trek Villains Who Killed The Most

1. Gul Dukat

Khan Star Trek Space Seed Wrath Noonien Singh

Gul Dukat is, in essence, as close to Adolf Hitler that Star Trek has ever really come to portraying. His hard-boiled hatred for the Bajorans, hidden behind a veneer of trying to help them modernise, continuously showed its ugly head in the years after the Occupation came to an end.

Dukat's numbers are slightly off-centre. Technically, the numbers of dead started to drop when he took over as Prefect of Bajor. Yet, as he would later explain with glee to Weyoun, he tried to avoid killing when possible. Instead, he wanted to dominate, bend others to his will, and force them to see why they had been wrong to oppose him in the beginning.

With his negotiating Cardassia's entry into the Dominion, he then became the author of the deaths of millions, taking the lead in a war that would devastate the Alpha Quadrant for decades to follow. Dukat himself would fall out of favour with his Dominion masters, but this would do nothing to curb his bloodlust. He simply hitched his ride to another post, slinking into the service of the Pah-Wraiths.

Between the actual murders that he himself committed, and the deaths that took place under his orders, Dukat was and remains one of the deadliest foes that Starfleet ever faced.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick