10 Most Overrated Episodes Of Star Trek

8. Dawn

Overrated Star Trek TNG Inner Light Picard

Two people meet on a planet. They can't communicate. However through the power of overcoming adversity, they make it work. There is a fantastic episode of Star Trek in which a human male and an alien soldier meet on a planet, unable to truly understand each other, but make it work. There are frustrations, but they do come to an understanding.

It's called Darmok, and it's in The Next Generation.

Dawn isn't a bad episode, but the whole thing feels like a retread. Having Trip as the focus character was definitely an interesting idea - this was a character who wasn't trained in diplomacy or alien understanding, like Captain Picard was. He knew how to make engines work, and that was his job. So, seeing him try to battle through his frustrations is almost certainly what earns this episode such a high ranking.

In a way, it's symbolic of what Enterprise could have been. This was the first deep space Earth vessel sent out into the void, so one would assume there would be more examples of this kind of first contact. Instead, it quickly fell into the pattern of trying to emulate The Next Generation, until its third season. Dawn then serves as a reminder that, had the show practiced that little bit harder, excellent episodes really were possible.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick