10 Most Satisfying Character-Arcs In Star Trek

5. Data

Seven of Nine Jeri Ryan Star Trek Picard
CBS Media Ventures

Data passed several milestones on his Pinnochio-like journey to become more Human. He experimented with art. Q allowed him to laugh for the first time. When he got his emotion chip, he was finally able to feel joy, as well as fear, and the whole range of Human emotions. When he was taken captive by the Borg, he even got to feel the sensation of real skin.

Data's story could've ended in a very lacklustre way if it was left with his apparent death in Star Trek Nemesis. The first season of Picard thankfully gave us some needed closure with the character who survived in a simulated afterlife using information recovered from B-4. The simulation was brought to an end upon his request so he could be allowed to pass away naturally. 

In the third season, however, Data was once again resurrected into a new golem body. This may have slightly negated the impact of season one's ending, but we're still happy to see Data return and excited to see where his story goes from here. This version of the character is more Human than ever before.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.