10 Most Satisfying Character-Arcs In Star Trek

4. Jean-Luc Picard

Seven of Nine Jeri Ryan Star Trek Picard
CBS Media Ventures

Jean-Luc Picard's story has been explored more than perhaps any other character in Trek. Throughout The Next Generation, the Next Gen movies, and his own series, Star Trek: Picard, he has explored his trauma, family life, and identity as an explorer.

Since we were introduced to him, Picard was always a highly competent officer, but his arc saw him growing closer to his crew, forming bonds with them, becoming a kind of father figure to Wesley, and eventually joining the bridge crew for poker at the end of Next Gen.

Jean-Luc always stood up for what he believed in, and his transformation into a synthetic body at the end of season one of Star Trek: Picard can be seen as the culmination of his history of defending Data's right to be respected as a free individual. In season three, Picard met the son he never knew he had, which forced him to confront a family life that he tried to avoid most of his life.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.