10 Star Trek Characters Who Didn't Deserve Their Fate

4. Jadzia Dax

Star Trek Hemmer
CBS Media Ventures

Though we have made the point before, let us make it again - there is not now, nor shall there ever be, hate toward Ezri Dax. She came into Deep Space Nine in the final season, standing up against the characters who had been with the station since the beginning. Our biggest gripe is the need for her to be there.

Jadzia Dax is killed off in the final episode of the show's sixth season, Tears Of The Prophets, and it is completely shocking, and upsetting. A possessed Gul Dukat kills her, simply because she was in his way. Though there aren't really many 'nice' ways to go, this felt distinctly unbecoming of a main character of six years.

The story behind the scenes is fairly well-known by now. Terry Farrell, exhausted after five years of incredibly long working hours and sessions, as well as frustrated by the lack of opportunities due to Star Trek's demanding schedule, asked to be reduced to a recurring role for the seventh season. She was instead issued an ultimatum - all or nothing. She opted for nothing, leading to this demise.

What's worse is that it was then reported she refused to grant the license for her image to be used in What You Leave Behind, something Farrell has vehemently denied. This cast a shadow over the character that felt truly undeserved, something that thankfully is being cleared up, even if two decades had to pass for that to happen.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick