10 Star Trek Characters Who Don't Deserve The Hate
These Star Trek characters may be annoying but do they really deserve to be hated?

What causes a Star Trek character to receive hate from the fans? Do they have to wind people up the wrong way? Do they need to be mean to our favourites week in, week out? Or do they simply have to have a familial relationship that wasn't previously advertised - like a certain emotional Vulcan?
The fact is - hate and logic don't often go hand in hand. While they can, there is rather a tendency to make snap decisions and then stick with them, no matter how many examples pass of those same folks trying to win us over.
Child prodigies and childlike aliens fall into the pit of 'rage' when groups are asked who their least favourites are, and although it's easy to agree with some of those names, in all honesty, we must ask ourselves - is it right, despite being easy?
Here, we aim to make the argument that despite evidence to ignite a spark of hate in the soul, these characters don't deserve the ire that they have been shown. If you agree, let us know. If you disagree, please don't start to hate us!
10. Vice-Admiral Alynna Nechayev

Vice-Admiral Alynna Nechayev is perhaps nobody's favourite Admiral, butting heads with Jean-Luc, Riker, and Sisko along the way. Having said that, hers was not simply a case of ego-driven rank-pulling. Nechayev was often dispatched when the situation at hand was among the most unpleasant that Starfleet had to face.
Consider Chain Of Command, Journey's End, and The Maquis. In the former case, she relieved Picard of command so that he could be assigned to a dangerous mission to destroy biological weapons, while in the latter two, she was tasked with forcibly removing, then policing, Federation settlers from their homes.
As the flag officer in all cases, she couldn't afford to show any weakness, which has over the years been taken for a brash, unfeeling attitude toward her officers.
In the pantheon of Starfleet badmirals, she doesn't even feature. She may be blunt, but if one inspects her actions carefully, one finds that she always acted with Starfleet's best interests at heart - even if that ruffled a few feathers along the way.